Aim of this Action is to provide the scientific basis for advancing knowledge about cephalopod welfare in research, aquaculture and public displays, and promote their conservation. The main objective is to establish an interdisciplinary network of professionals including researchers, veterinarians, NGOs, authorities and others, joined in a common effort to integrate, increase and disseminate knowledge about cephalopod welfare and experimentation, and to promote cephalopod research and conservation. This will include European researchers working with (potentially) any aspect of cephalopods biology, and those working on other marine species, as far as experts and researchers from non-COST countries.
This with the common goal of complement each other in the scientific areas of expertise, experience with different species and scientific-technical perspectives in order to broaden and expand the “potential” of cephalopods in science (and biology).
CephsInAction is also aimed to foster multi-disciplinary and inter-species scientific exchanges to integrate knowledge on welfare practices.