CephsInAction FA1301 Cost Action – Dissemination Meeting
Neolife 2015 SLSA Conference
1-3 October 2015
University of Western Australia
From the odd to the mundane, new forms of life are emerging in labs, workshops and studios. With the promise of exploitation for health and wealth we are seeing life as it previously never existed, albeit smothered in hyperbole, rhetoric and speculation. How do cultures such as Indigenous Australia respond to Neolife? On what terms are countries like China, India, Singapore and Japan, who have a rapidly growing biotech industry embracing or rejecting Neolife? How different is it to the west? The NEOLIFE conference will also explore questions related to Non-Human Bioethics and Animal Studies, relevant to CephsInAction.
Neolife: The Rest of the World SLSA (Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts) 2015 meeting in Perth, Western Australia will attempt to address these questions from a wide range of approaches.
2015 represents the 20th anniversary of the public outing of regenerative biology which ushered an ontological crisis and new perspectives into the ways living bodies have been related to. The last twenty years also seen a shift in (or maybe a return of) the approach of scientists’ attempt to capture the public imagination; public engagement in forms of science on the display and as a spectacle. This meeting will try to get western and non-western perspectives in relation to life on display as well as life transformed into a raw material to be engineered
We will present our aims and activities at NEOLIFE SLSA 2015
Dr. Markus Schmidt (MC – Austria) acted as representative of CephsInAction. His speech was aimed in presenting and promoting the COST Action FA1301, while benefiting of the discussions taking place at NEOLIFE SLSA 2015;
Dr Schmidt was not financially supported by the COST Action FA1301 for attending to this event” – Thank you Dr Schmidt!