CephsInAction – WG1 meets AE2016
FA1301 COST Action Working Group 1 (Research Needs in Cephalopod Welfare) this year joins Aquaculture Europe 2016 (Edinburgh, UK) organised by the European Aquaculture Society with the theme “Food for Thought”. Organised by the EAS in cooperation with Marine Scotland and The Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland, the International Conference will present the latest science to support further development in aquaculture of different organisms, and industry panels will discuss key opportunities and identify areas to encourage further sustainable growth in aquaculture. The Conference Theme means “something to think about, something to be seriously considered and something that provides mental stimulation and nourishment.
CephsInAction meets AE2016 has its venue in Edinburgh on September 21 and 23-24, 2016.
We are there to facilitate networking with specialists and SMEs working on topics of relevance to rearing and aquaculture of cephalopods.
September 21 – CephsInAction is very proud to announce that on the opening day a whole day session is schedule running under the aegis of the COST Action FA1301.
Optimising Production of Echinoderms, Cephalopods and Crustacea
The session scheduled at the “Carrick Room” is chaired by Professor Selina Stead (Professor of Marine Governance and Environmental Science, Newcastle University, UK) & Dr Kerry Perkins (WG1 FA1301, UK) delegated to represent the Dr Giovanna Ponte, the Chair of the COST Action FA1301.
During the session, that is expected to be very interesting, nine presentations on aspects of husbandry, nutrition, paralarvae and physiology of cuttlefish and octopus will be delivered
The presentations delivered are listed at the AE2016 Conference official program (see pages 16-17, corresponding to pages 4-5 of the PDF online).
The order of the presentations, as appear in the current version of the program may change following agreement of the two sessions chairs, Professor Stead and Dr Perkins.
Dr Perkins, will also shortly deliver a short oral presentation to disseminate aims and objectives of our COST Action FA1301.
As Satellite to the main AE2016 Conference, we will also convene at the Jurys Inn Edinburgh on September 23 and 24, 2016
The satellite meeting is organised into two events:
September 23 – Cephalopods aquaculture development – mitigation of existing bottlenecks and future research, a workshop
Convenors: António V. Sykes (PT) & Eduardo Almansa (ES)
The event has the aim to facilitate discussion on several themes to facilitate and progress towards the preparation of a review manuscript focussed on the ‘workshop theme’ including nutrition, reproduction (e.g.: endocrine control, egg and larval viability), welfare, broostock management, fecundity and fertility, growth rates at different temperatures, to cite some.
The idea is to provide an overview and possible advancements stepping forward the Cephalopod Culture book published in 2014, just at the beginning of the journey of this COST Action.
For the bottlenecks, the discussion will be oriented around a summary of existing bottlenecks, which might be shared among some species, for all species of interest; these should include biology of the species, zootechnology, physiology/nutrition, immunology and pathology. Again, we will try to see if the current knowledge represent advancements in respect to those enumerated in 2014 book, if new ones appear to exists and if there is the need for a different approach. Finally, future research will be discussed and possible outlines proposals for STSM projects to be suggested.
Invited researchers to the workshop will provide their contribution to this single sections of this review paper that is aimed to be submitted for publication at the beginning of the 2017.
Convenors will facilitate contributions by collecting information and presenting at the meeting and/or by organising Skype contributions.
September 24 – COST FA1301 Working Group 1 meeting
Convenors: António V. Sykes (PT), Eduardo Almansa (ES) & Kerry Perkins (UK)
During the day, discussion will be coordinated around several topics including:
i. Development of possible tangible outputs following the scientific contributions from CephsInAction to AE2016
ii. Update on the tangible outputs after the CephsInAction workshop “The digestive tract of cephalopods: at the interface between physiology and ecology”
iii. Approaches to promote the 3Rs
iv. Update on currently active research and PhD projects expected to contribute to FA1301-WG1 activities
v. Proposals for possible COST FA1301 STSMs projects
vi. Possible funding possibilities of relevance
vii. Suggested plans for the 2017
Expected outcomes of this meeting: a report will be published on this page after the meeting; a review paper expected to be published at the beginning of the 2017 on peer-review journal; knowledge exchanges including strategic information, planning, technical know-how (as less-tangible outcomes).