CBC2015 Final Assessment Results
The final assessment for the CBC2015 course has been finalized and results published. Overall, 60% of Trainees achieved a final rank that allowed them to pass at the first run. Similarly to what organized for the last year Training School (CBC2014), a second, re-exam assessment has been finalized to offer Trainees the possibility of filling the gaps that did not allowed them to pass the exam at the first instance. The final outcome resulted very positive, and all student passed.
Here you will find the final marks following written and practical examinations.
15422828 | 90% | PASS | 80.64 | 10 | 91 |
15422896 | 89% | PASS | 80.36 | 8.8 | 89 |
15422926 | 82% | PASS | 74.18 | 8.8 | 83 |
15422927 | 80% | PASS | 72.21 | 10 | 82 |
15422844 | 80% | PASS | 72.21 | 8.8 | 81 |
15422957 | 72% | PASS | 64.36 | 8.8 | 73 |
15422845 | 66% | NO PASS | 59.21 | 9.4 | 69 |
15422765 | 55% | NO PASS | 49.86 | 9.4 | 59 |
15422824 | 52% | NO PASS | 47.07 | 9.4 | 56 |
15422905 | 51% | NO PASS | 46.25 | 9.4 | 56 |
15422845 | 82% | PASS | 71 | 9.4 | 80 |
15422905 | 75% | PASS | 67.5 | 9.4 | 77 |
15422824 | 71% | PASS | 65.67 | 9.4 | 75 |
Principles of Training and Education according to Directive 2010/63/EU
According to Directive 2010/63/EU “staff shall be adequately educated and trained before they perform any of the following functions: a) carrying out procedures; b) designing procedures and projects; c) taking care of animals; d) killing animals” (Article 23).
The Directive also requires that staff is “competent” (Article 24). To achieve this competence, staff “are adequately educated, competent and continuously trained and that they are supervised until they have demonstrated the requisite competence”.
According to the E&T Expert Working Group endorsed consensus document [1] “stastifactory completion of a Training Course and attainment of Learning Outcomes must be followed by a period of appropriate supervision […] until the requisite competence has been attained and before the initial educational process can be considered to have been completed”. In addition, “good supervision can reinforce and enhance learning outcomes, but equally inappropriate supervision can gave negative consequences, occasionally the spread of out-of-date or simply poor practices”.
The attendance and active participation to the CBC Training Course is therefore part of the process of “Education and Training” in your own continuing professional development, and of course deals primarily with the knowledge and skills to perform “Function A”.
Demonstration of “competency” requires a formal assessment of knowledge and skills required for Function A. The assessment organized during the last afternoon of the CBC course, is therefore a formal assessment conducted under exam conditions.
[1] http://ec.europa.eu/environment/chemicals/lab_animals/pdf/Endorsed_E-T.pdf
Components of the Assessment
The assessment comprises a written paper lasting 90mins and a practical skills-based assessment.
Topics selected to assess in the written assessment
Each module has a set of Learning Outcomes (LOs) taken from the Directive training document [1]. These module LOs are the basis of the questions for the assessment. The assessment is blueprinted against the LOs and the sessions. Emphasis is given to questions related to LOs considered the most likely to impact on animal care and welfare. All modules are covered.
The written assessment consists of two types of question:
- Single Best Answer (SBA). There are 35 of this type of question (60 marks for this part of the paper) to be answered in one hour. Each SBA has a short statement that poses the question. There are five possible answers (a-e) but one best answer.
Example SBA questions:
Who has ultimate authority to approve a Project to conduct scientific research under Directive 2010/63/EU?
a) The Principle Investigator (PI)
b) The head of the research institution/university
c) The designated veterinarian
d) The institutional ethical/project review body/committee
e) The National Competent Authority
Cephalopods become regulated under Directive 2010/63/EU when:
a) The egg is fertilised
b) The embryo has developed a central nervous system
c) The animal leaves the egg
d) They become sexually mature
e) They reach adult body weight
The answers are filled in on a grid. The answer selected has to be indicated by marking an X in the appropriate box. Multiple answers are counted as wrong. For example for Q1 if you think the correct answer is “C” the completed line on the adjacent table should look like this:
Question number | a | b | c | d | e |
1 | X |
- Short Answer Questions (SAQ). There are 6 of this type of question to be answered in 30 minutes (5min/question) using a free text response. Usually there are some guides to the length of the answer/number of points to make. The answers are written in the booklet provided. Although half a page is allowed for each question there is no need to fill all the space provided to obtain full marks.
Example SAQ question:
- Define what is meant by a Procedure within the meaning of the Directive (3 marks) and give two different examples of a procedure from your research or reading of the literature (1 mark each).
[1] National Competent Authorities for the implementation of Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes. A working document on the development of a common education and training framework to fulfil the requirements under the Directive, February 2014; pp. 41-51
The Practical assessment: Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE)
This type of assessment is used for testing a practical skill and is used to assess objectives in modules 3.2 and 6.2. The assessment consists in performing a given task in in a limited time span. The task is observed by an assessor who has a checklist for allocating the marks – this ensures consistency between different assessors.
The pass mark
- The pass mark is 70% on the written assessments (SBA [60marks] and SAQ [30marks], i.e. 63/90 to pass). This pass mark is based on recommendations in the Directive training document and reflects the essentially core nature of the majority of material covered in this course.
- Each candidate is expected to attend all formal training sessions. Although participation/engagement is not assessed, participation and sharing knowledge and experience with other course participants is strongly recommended.
- To the Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE) are allocated up to 10 marks.
To pass the course the candidate must pass both written (SBA+SAQ) and practical (OSPE) elements.
Communicating marks and feedback
CBC Course Program Director, Dr Graziano Fiorito, is responsible for communications of marks and any issues related to the assessment should be directed to the Course Director.
Final marks are given in the form of overall mark for SBA+SAQ as a percentage indicating pass/fail (pass mark 70%) for the written paper. Weaknesses in any specific module will be noted. The mark of the practical/skills is added to the final written mark.
The candidate mark for the overall performance in the assessment (SBA+SAQ+OSPE) is given as percentage.
M | T | W | T | F | S | S |
1 | 2 | |||||
3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 |
24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
31 |
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