Dissemination Meeting
CephsInAction supports the participation to the event of one of its members, in order to facilitate the circulation of the work of the COST Action within the scientific community.
Directive 2010/63/EU places cephalopods as the sole representative among invertebrates in the list of ‘Laboratory Animals’.
Scand-LAS (together with FELASA, AALAS, ICLAS) is an organization aimed at to further the progress of Laboratory Animal Science (LAS). Acting at regional level (i.e. Nordic and the Baltic countries) Scand-LAS is renewed to act by elevated standards and practice in relation with welfare issues for the use of animals in research. Baltic countries are also the first that promoted and raised the attention of welfare issues in fisheries and aquaculture, thus spreading the impact of welfare, extending it over the walls of research laboratories. The meeting includes important topics to be discussed that are relevant to FA1301 COST Action
Dr. Graziano Fiorito will take part in the event as representative of CephsInAction. His speech is aimed at promoting the COST Action, while benefiting of the discussion taking place at the Scand-Las.