COST Action FA1301 will join Aquaculture Europe 2016 (Edinburgh, UK) organised by the European Aquaculture Society with the theme “Food for Thought”.
September 21, and September 23 and 24, 2016 are the dates of our “events” joining AE2016
This will facilitate networking with specialists and SME working on topics of relevance to rearing and aquaculture of cephalopods.
Aim of the meeting is to discuss approaches, strategies and possible collaborations for contributing to the solution of some bottlenecks that still appear to exists for the cephalopods culture.
WG4 is calling for your help and contribution to this important achievement!
One of the key expected deliverables of the COST Action FA1301 WG4 is the development of a Cephalopod Welfare Index database aimed to support the Cephalopod Welfare Index (CWI) Model: an operational, internet based decision support system based on a semantic model aimed for monitoring and assessing cephalopod welfare.
We live on a beautiful planet, and it’s the only one we’ve got. Happy Earth Day!
An octopus, as representative of cephalopods and of the diversity and richness of the ocean and coral reef, is chosen as key ‘figure’ in one of the five illustrations by the Google Doodler Sophie Diao to celebrate 2016 edition of the Earth Day. 17:38:322016-04-24 22:33:26Earth Day 2016
The COST Action FA1301 CBC Training Program is pleased to launch Expression of Interest for the Cephalopod Biology and Care FA1301 Training School on Anesthesia and Scientific Procedures (CBC-ASP2016).
This Training School is open to people who perform the four functions, as stated in article 23 of the Directive 2010/63/EU: carrying out procedures on animals; designing procedures and projects; taking care of animals; killing animals. 10:00:182016-01-19 15:48:13CephsInAction Training School – Cephs Biology and Care (CBC-ASP2016)
CephsInAction opens the 1st call for 2016 FA1301 Short Term Scientific Missions
These serve to support the exchange of researchers to establish new areas of scientific collaboration within the areas of activities of FA1301 COST Action.
Priority is given to Early Stage Researchers (pre- or post-doctoral researchers) that would like to visit Institutions of the participating FA1301 Countries.
Workshop Outcomes
/0 Comments/in News, News Archive /by CephResCOST Action FA1301 Research Topic
“The Digestive Tract of Cephalopods: at the Interface Between Physiology and Ecology”
has been accepted by Frontiers in Physiology – Invertebrate Physiology, and is already online!
Submission Deadline: 30 December 2016
FA1301 STSMs 6th Call
/0 Comments/in News, News Archive /by CephResFA1301 STSMs Call
The 6th call for the current grant period (2016) of the COST Action FA1301
Short Term Scientific Missions is now launched
Deadline for applications is Wednesday 09 November, 2016
CephsInAction meets Aquaculture Europe2016
/0 Comments/in News, News Archive /by CephResSeptember 21, and September 23 and 24, 2016 are the dates of our “events” joining AE2016
This will facilitate networking with specialists and SME working on topics of relevance to rearing and aquaculture of cephalopods.
Aim of the meeting is to discuss approaches, strategies and possible collaborations for contributing to the solution of some bottlenecks that still appear to exists for the cephalopods culture.
More information will be posted here shortly!FA1301 STSMs 5th Call (current grant period, 2016)
/0 Comments/in News, News Archive /by CephResFA1301 STSMs Call
The 1st call for current grant period (2016) of the COST Action FA1301
Short Term Scientific Missions is now launched
Deadline for applications is June 29
WG4 – CWI Database
/0 Comments/in News, News Archive /by CephResWG4 is calling for your help and contribution to this important achievement!
One of the key expected deliverables of the COST Action FA1301 WG4 is the development of a Cephalopod Welfare Index database aimed to support the Cephalopod Welfare Index (CWI) Model: an operational, internet based decision support system based on a semantic model aimed for monitoring and assessing cephalopod welfare.
CephsInAction CWI Database is currently open for contributions!
A short guidance, the CWI-database manual and a short video are available here!
Earth Day 2016
/0 Comments/in News, News Archive /by CephRes“Aquatic/Ocean, Coral Reef and Octopus” @ Google
We live on a beautiful planet, and it’s the only one we’ve got. Happy Earth Day!
An octopus, as representative of cephalopods and of the diversity and richness of the ocean and coral reef, is chosen as key ‘figure’ in one of the five illustrations by the Google Doodler Sophie Diao to celebrate 2016 edition of the Earth Day.
Earth Day, celebrated annually on April 22, may be the one day that transcends culture, language, and tradition.
Earth Day 2016 — Trees for the Earth
Workshop Outcomes
/0 Comments/in News, News Archive /by CephResDeadline: September 15, 2016
CephsInAction Training School – Cephs Biology and Care (CBC-ASP2016)
/0 Comments/in News, News Archive /by CephResThe COST Action FA1301 CBC Training Program is pleased to launch Expression of Interest for the Cephalopod Biology and Care FA1301 Training School on Anesthesia and Scientific Procedures (CBC-ASP2016).
This Training School is open to people who perform the four functions, as stated in article 23 of the Directive 2010/63/EU: carrying out procedures on animals; designing procedures and projects; taking care of animals; killing animals.
FA1301 STSMs 2016 – 1st Call
/0 Comments/in News, News Archive /by CephResCephsInAction opens the 1st call for 2016 FA1301 Short Term Scientific Missions
These serve to support the exchange of researchers to establish new areas of scientific collaboration within the areas of activities of FA1301 COST Action.
Priority is given to Early Stage Researchers (pre- or post-doctoral researchers) that would like to visit Institutions of the participating FA1301 Countries.
Workshop Outcomes
/0 Comments/in News, News Archive /by CephResDeadline: January 13, 2016
no extensions will be considered